BAs and Mistery shoppers

What is the process for selecting Brand Ambassadors (BAs) for my campaign?

As the user of Oppizi's marketing services, you do not have the ability to directly select the BAs who will be working on your campaign. Instead, our Operations Team will be responsible for selecting and assigning BAs to your campaign based on their availability, skills, and experience.

The Operations Team will also be closely monitoring the performance of the BAs during the campaign, and will make any necessary adjustments to ensure that your campaign is successful. If you have any specific requests or preferences related to the BAs, such as how they should pitch your service or what they should wear, you can let our team know and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.

Overall, our goal is to ensure that you have a smooth and successful campaign, and we will do everything we can to support you and your BAs in achieving your marketing objectives.

Is it possible to request Brand Ambassadors (BAs) who speak a specific language for my campaign?

Yes, it is possible to request BAs who speak a specific language for your campaign. However, whether or not we are able to fulfill this request will depend on a number of factors, including the availability of BAs who speak the language in the city where your campaign is taking place, the ease and feasibility of recruiting BAs who speak the language, and any other specific requirements or constraints you may have.

If you would like to request BAs who speak a specific language for your campaign, please let our team know and we will do our best to accommodate your needs. Please note that depending on the availability of BAs who meet your requirements, there may be additional fees or other considerations associated with this request.

Overall, our goal is to provide you with the support and resources you need to achieve your marketing objectives, and we will do our best to accommodate any requests you may have related to language or other factors.

What is the training process for Brand Ambassadors (BAs)?

At Oppizi, we place a strong emphasis on training and development for our BAs in order to ensure that they are fully prepared to represent our clients and promote their products or services effectively. Our training process includes the following steps:

  1. Online training materials: BAs are provided with online training materials that cover the basics of our platform, our policies and procedures, and other important information. These materials are designed to be easy to understand and can be accessed at any time.
  2. Quizzes: BAs are required to complete quizzes to validate their understanding of the training materials and ensure that they are fully prepared to represent our clients.
  3. On-the-job training: BAs also receive on-the-job training as they begin to take on missions. This includes guidance from experienced BAs and on-site managers, as well as regular evaluations and feedback to help them improve their skills and performance.

Overall, our goal is to provide our BAs with the knowledge and skills they need to represent our clients effectively and deliver exceptional results for their campaigns.

Is it possible for me to use my own mystery shoppers as part of a campaign?

No, Oppizi does not allow clients to use their own mystery shoppers as part of our campaigns. This is because we have strict standards in place to ensure the quality and effectiveness of our campaigns, and we believe that using our own trained and qualified mystery shoppers is the best way to ensure that these standards are met.

Using our own mystery shoppers also allows us to provide consistent and reliable service to our clients, as we have a team of trained professionals who are familiar with our policies and procedures and are able to provide accurate and reliable feedback about the performance of our BAs and the overall effectiveness of the campaign.

Why does Oppizi pay bonuses to its Brand Ambassadors (BAs)?

Oppizi pays bonuses to its Brand Ambassadors in order to motivate and incentivize them to perform at their best during flyering campaigns. Bonuses can be a powerful tool for motivating employees and improving performance, as they provide a tangible reward for meeting or exceeding specific goals.

In addition to improving performance, bonuses can also be a useful tool for retaining top talent and keeping Brand Ambassadors engaged and motivated. By offering incentives and rewards for their hard work, Oppizi is able to attract and retain the best Brand Ambassadors, ensuring that its flyering campaigns are staffed by reliable and capable individuals.